Macular Degeneration

HomeMacular Degeneration

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Macular Degeneration

What is Macular Degeneration

The retina functions as a layer of photographic film lining the back of your eye. It contains specialised photoreceptor cells that are needed for sight. The very important central area of the retina that lets you see colours and details is called the macula.

This is the most common form of ageing change in the Macula. With age, there is a gradual loss of the specialised photoreceptor cells, leading to the gradual loss of the ability to see colours and details.

Nutritional support is the mainstay of treatment. However, there are exciting emerging therapeutic options emerging on the horizon.

What is Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Wet AMD)?

Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration occurs when an abnormal network of blood vessel sprouts underneath the macula.

This abnormal network of blood vessels causes destruction to the macula by leaking blood, fluid and lipid into the macula. Because we rely on the macula for important visual tasks, Wet AMD typically causes rapid deterioration in our ability to read, recognise colours and see details. If left untreated, the central vision is typically lost over a period of 3 to 6 months.

Who is Affected by Wet AMD?

The main risk factor is advancing age. In addition, smoking, poor nutrition, strong family history and excessive exposure to sunlight have all been identified as risk factors for the development of wet AMD.

What are the Symptoms of Wet AMD?

Wet macular degeneration causes distortion and blurring of the central vision and this usually results in difficulty with detailed visual tasks such as reading, watching television, driving and recognising faces. Once established, wet AMD can progress quickly.

How is Wet AMD diagnosed?

The diagnosis of Wet AMD is made by a combination of clinical examination, Dilated Fundoscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in most cases. OCT Angiogram, a sophisticated method to visualize the abnormal blood vessels in WAMD. It is an entirely non-invasive laser scanning test that produces a detailed cross-section picture of the macula. OCT can look at the extent of the swelling in the macula caused by the abnormal network of blood vessels in Wet AMD. OCT also allow us to monitor the effect of the treatment at subsequent visits.

At The Medical Eye Clinic, we can also perform the non-invasive test called OCT Angiogram.

Wet AMD can be effectively treated with anti-VEGF injections.